Renaissance Faires

Faire Favorites


Folsom Renaissance Faire

October 23-24, 1999  Folsom, California

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Elizabeth I      Elizabeth I      9910230809.jpg (47259 bytes)

Capi      Monica       Monica

9910231712.jpg (48735 bytes)      9910233308.jpg (45042 bytes)

9910232712.jpg (45217 bytes)

9910235515.jpg (49171 bytes)      Autumn Mask      9910233103.jpg (49909 bytes)

9910231014.jpg (48810 bytes)      9910232219.jpg (50609 bytes)

9910230801.jpg (48594 bytes)      9910231120.jpg (51101 bytes)      Brad of LOOPED

St. Andrew's      9910235923b.jpg (51661 bytes)

9910231818.jpg (49444 bytes)       Master Ted, master basketweaver      Master Ted

 9910235210.jpg (47231 bytes)      Tristan

Oberon & Puck      Puck & Moth

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This is one of our "just for fun" pages.   If you are going to any northern or central California faires, let us know so we can get a shot of you, too.

For more info on the guilds/groups shown:

St. Maximilian Landsknecht Re-enactment Guild

St. Andrew's Noble Order of Royal Scots

The Ottoman Traders

Dogs in Doublets


These photographs are for the enjoyment of the participants and may not be used for any commercial purpose without permission from the subjects and photographer.  


The photographs on this site are © Reyes Photography

Web page designed and maintained by Elisabeth Ingraham.
This page was last updated on October 28, 2002.