Renaissance Faires

Faire Favorites


Willits Celtic Renaissance Faire

May 20-21, 2000  Willits, California

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The guild of St. Maximilian

Julie       Julie of Clan Galbraith

0005206116.jpg (51981 bytes)       0005201321.jpg (52035 bytes)       Mouse

0005202412.jpg (52417 bytes)

0005205910.jpg (57544 bytes)       Lesli in the Kitchen

Princess of Poland       0005202721.jpg (53622 bytes)

0005205710.jpg (41350 bytes)       0005202724.jpg (56558 bytes)

Spinner and Spindle       Printer and Press

Who is EEEE-VIIIIIILLL??       Drubbing!

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This is one of our "just for fun" pages.   If you are going to any northern or central California faires, look for us so we can get a shot of you, too.


For more info: 

Willits Celtic Renaissance Faire

Clan Galbraith


Santa Maria

St. Andrew's

St. Maximilian

St. Murphy's

Travellers Union


These photographs are for the enjoyment of the participants and may not be used for any commercial purpose without permission from the subjects and photographer.  


The photographs on this site are © Reyes Photography

Web page designed and maintained by Elisabeth Ingraham.
This page was last updated on October 28, 2002.