Fair Oaks Renaissance Tudor Fayre

June 26-27, 1999

Fair Oaks, California

Dave      Casey      Dennis

Don Gianni di Abestanzi      Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond & Somerset

Drummer      Zelino

Anna      Laura       Dennis

Kristine      Randal       Ottoman Traders

St. Maximilian's      Anna

Drubbings by St. Greg's      More Drubbing!

Detail of Drubbing!      Fyne Faire Foode      9906260108.jpg (52646 bytes)


George the Storyteller from Cornwall      Marquess of Exeter

Jerry, who is not a rogue!      Kevin      e9907170223.jpg (50623 bytes)

Clan Galbraith lass      Dimples!       Ottoman Traders       9906271515.jpg (55678 bytes)

Merry Maid      Detail of MM      9906260816.jpg (53164 bytes)

Tom, pinned down by arrow fusillade      Noblewoman

Lesli & Randal      Lesli & Randal

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This is one of our "just for fun" pages.   If you are going to any northern or central California faires, let us know so we can get a shot of you, too.

For more info on the guilds/groups shown: 

Randal Scott, The Duelists     More pics of the Duelists

L.O.O.P.E.D at Annwyn's Archery -- Hi Guys! Thanks for the Pretzels!

St. Maximilian Landsknecht Re-enactment Guild

St. Andrew's Noble Order of Royal Scots

The Ottoman Traders

St. Gregories - Fyne English Justice

Fair Oaks Renaissance Tudor Fayre

These photographs are for the enjoyment of the participants and may not be used for any commercial purpose without permission from the subjects and photographer.